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NCTM 2015 Annual Meeting & Exposition

Please note: The NCTM conference program is subject to change.

624- Experience-First Mathematics: Implementing Problem-Based Learning Effectively

Saturday, April 18, 2015: 8:00 AM-9:00 AM
153 C (BCEC)


Lead Speaker:
Christopher J. Robinson
Andre Verner and Ryan Mahoney

Handouts EFM Handout.pdf


Teachers can use a variety of techniques for bringing experience-first mathematics (EFM) into the classroom: problem-based learning, three-act lessons, NSF curricula, Moore Method, etc. Transitioning to using more inquiry can be done gently but effectively for students and faculty. For students to become true mathematical thinkers, EFM is essential.


Presentation Format: 9-12 Session


See more of: 9-12 Session