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National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 2014 Regional Conference and Exposition: Indianapolis, Indiana

Please note: The NCTM conference program is subject to change.

292- Rethinking the Trigonometric Functions through Technology

Friday, October 31, 2014: 3:30 PM-4:30 PM
Grand Ballroom 4 (Westin) (Westin)
Lead Speaker:
Chris Bolognese

Many beautiful ideas in trigonometry emerge from the unit circle. We will use dynamic geometry software to generate trigonometric graphs. Then we will exploit similar technology to investigate generalized graphs and the behavior of a unit square and other polygons. In these new systems, how does our trigonometric system change and stay the same?

Presentation Format: 9-12 Session
Grade Band Audience: 9 to 12

See more of: 9-12 Session