National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 2012 Research Presession

Please note: The NCTM conference program is subject to change.

125- Promising Classroom Practices for Supporting Mathematical Justification

Wednesday, April 25, 2012: 1:00 PM-2:30 PM
Salon I/J/K/L 30 (Philadelphia Marriott Downtown)

The National Council for Teachers of Mathematics (2000) states that reasoning and proof should be a standard in every classroom. Similarly, the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSSM, 2010) emphasizes justification as one of its key mathematical practices. Teaching with justification, however, is challenging. Previous studies have documented low levels of student justifications in U.S. classrooms (e.g., Jacobs et al., 2006) and specific challenges of enactment (Bieda, 2010). The lack of positive examples makes it imperative that we better understand pedagogical moves that do support student justification. Therefore, this study was guided by the question: ÒWhat teacher practices are associated with high levels of mathematical justification?Ó


Theoretical Perspective


Teaching to support studentsÕ justification is a complex and multifaceted activity. In seeking to understand teachersÕ pedagogy of justification, we draw on sociocultural theories as presented by Vygotsky (2002), Wertsch (1998), and others, and focus on teachersÕ discursive acts as a mediating tool and critical resource that teachers use as they make efforts to support, prompt and shape studentsÕ engagement with mathematics. This perspective attunes us to the moment-to-moment interactions, as these specific discursive moves can create space for studentsÕ justification or can close down productive discussions.




This study is a collective longitudinal case study; each of the seven selected teachers operated as an intrinsic case study. We analyzed the implementation of the Number Trick task, a task requiring the use of the distributive property or equivalent reasoning. Data included video transcriptions, teacher reflections and student work.


Before coding, transcripts were split into episodes which included all discussion centered on a single question. Then, each student utterance and the episodes as a whole were coded, using two different coding schemes which emphasized the level of justification present. Interrater reliability was 93% when agreement was counted as two out of three researchers agreeing.


Summary of Findings


We will offer preliminary findings by reporting three factors that were identified as supporting studentsÕ use of justification: (1) attending to the mathematics of the students, (2) supporting students in articulating their mathematical ideas, and (3) creating a critical classroom culture where students support each otherÕs justifications. Only the third factor is addressed here. All three factors, and others identified through our continuing analyses, will be reported in the session.


Supporting a Critical Classroom Culture


A critical classroom culture is one where students question each other about their ideas. The excerpt in Figure 1 shows how students negotiated how to represent the first part of the task with an algebraic expression.


01.  Dan: So since this problem (references n+4+9) is the same as this problem (points to 5 + 4 + 5 + 4), because since n=5, the ns are basically counting (inaudible) like this problem so (pauses and puts in 5s for the 2 ns right underneath) it could basically just be 5+4 and 5+4 again, and n+4 and, this could be n+4 plus any number.

02.  Teacher: Any number, right?

03.  S1: These two problems are together.

04.  Teacher: Alright, so I did this you guys, I actually wrote up a rule for rule number 1, I wrote these over there, can you guys see them over there? IÕm going to leave them over there, thatÕs our rule. Questions about that?

05.  S: WouldnÕt the second one (n+4+9) not work because if your variable was something different than 5 then it would not be 9.

06.  Teacher: Ooh what do you guys think about that? Ooh Viv what makes you think that, come up here and show us what you mean because thatÕs a good point.

07.  S2: I didnÕt even catch it.

08.  Teacher: And you guys, ask any questions on this, but explain it to us Viv.

09.  Viv: So wouldnÕt you have to add 4 every time, if this was 6 then thatÕs going to be 10 not 9 (referring to n=6 +4 = 10).

10.  Teacher: Questions for her, questions Viv, you got people.

11.  S1: (inaudible)

12.  Teacher: Okay do you have more questions?

13.  Viv: [calling on a peer] Dan.

14.  Dan: What um, didnÕt she write 9n=5. So wouldnÕt she know that n is supposed to be 5?

15.  Viv: Yeah but like if it was any other number, for every number.

16.  Dan: So are you saying that if that n=5 and was not there that couldnÕt be any other number but is that what you are saying? So you are saying that if see how she wrote n=5, so you are saying since you will always know what n equals if that wasnÕt there then it could be any number, except wouldnÕt 9 minus 4 equal 5?

17.  Teacher: Yeah, like 9 wouldnÕt work in that spot for any number (inaudible).

18.  Shelby: I agree with that because of you wanted to do the n+4+ 9 you would have to put like you would almost have to put like parentheses in and more like variables and it could become like really confusing.

19.  Teacher: So then what I am hearing you guys say is that this wonÕt work every time, so I have to get rid of it, right.

Figure 1. An example of a supporting a critical classroom culture.


In turn 1, Dan suggested that the first part of the number trick could be represented by n+5+9. This works when n=5, but not when n is any other number. The students negotiated this, with strategic guidance from the teacher, eventually concluding that this proposed representation of the trick will not work for all values of n.


Though we examined each factor in isolation, and can see how they are distinct, in reality a teacher uses more than one practice in a given moment. This study provides evidence that particular teaching practices may support studentsÕ use of mathematical justification. Further analyses will refine additional pedagogical strategies that are associated with high levels of student justification and focus on those pedagogical moves that support student justification, and not only student participation in classroom discourse.




Bieda, K. (2010). Enacting proof-related tasks in middle school mathematics: Challenges and opportunities. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 41, 351-382.

Council of Chief State School Officers & National Governors Association Center for Best Practices. (2010). Common core state standards. District of Columbia: Council of Chief State School Officers & National Governors Association Center for Best Practices.

Jacobs, J., Hiebert, J., Givvin, K., Hollingsworth, H., Garnier, H. & Wearne, D. (2006). Does eighth-grade mathematics teaching in the United States align with the NCTM Standards? Results from the TIMSS 1995 and 1999 video studies. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 36, 5-32.

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (2000). Principles and standards of schools mathematics. Reston, VA: NCTM.

Vygotsky, L. S. (2002). Thought and language (13 ed.). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Wertsch, J. V. (1998). Mind as action. New York: Oxford University Press.


Jill Newton and Corryn Brown
Lead Speaker:
Megan Staples

Description of Presentation:

Though the mathematics education community values students’ use of justification, teachers have often found it difficult to support. The speakers will discuss strategies associated with mathematically acceptable argumentation that emerged from a study of teachers participating in a research-and-development program on justification.

Session Type: Poster Session

See more of: Poster Session
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