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National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 2014 Regional Conference and Exposition: Indianapolis, Indiana

Please note: The NCTM conference program is subject to change.

278- Flips, Slides, Turns, and Tessellations, Oh My!

Friday, October 31, 2014: 3:15 PM-4:30 PM
Capitol 1 (Westin) (Westin)
Lead Speaker:
Rita Eisele

  • 278_Eisele_Flips Slides Turns and Tessellations Oh My.pdf (624.8 kB)

  • Students in grades 3-5 should predict and describe the results of certain types of transformations. This workshop will demonstrate how a variety of tools, such as patty paper and string can be used to investigate slides, reflections, and rotations. Participants will also learn how to use these transformations to create tessellations.

    Presentation Format: Preservice and In-Service Gallery Workshop
    Grade Band Audience: 3 to 5, Preservice and Inservice