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NCTM 2015 Regional Conference & Exposition: Minneapolis, Minnesota

Please note: The NCTM conference program is subject to change.

203- Leadership Development in the Math Classroom

Friday, November 13, 2015: 12:30 PM-1:00 PM
M100 FG (Minneapolis Convention Center)


Lead Speaker:
Lindsey C. Cermak
Amy Vickers

Handouts 35746, Cermak and Vickers, Leadership Development in the Math Classroom.pdf


Do you create a classroom culture that encourages positive attitudes toward math? Why not take it a step further and use the math classroom as a workshop for leadership development? In this session hear research, strategies, and examples of using the challenges and practices of math to transform your students into leaders!


Presentation Format: 9-12 Burst


See more of: 9-12 Burst